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The Pontiac Collective Impact Partnership is a coordinating body that brings partners together to ensure community members have the access, opportunities, and resources needed to thrive.

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Request for Proposals (RFP) for Fiscal Sponsorship to the Pontiac Collective Impact Partnership (PCIP)

1. Introduction

Pontiac Collective Impact Partnership (PCIP) invites proposals from local, regional or state organizations interested in serving as a fiscal sponsor for a term not to exceed three (3) years, with an option to renew. The term “Respondent” will serve as the term to refer to an organization proposing to provide the service of fiscal sponsorship, with the option of delivering additional direct services, to PCIP under an agreement to be negotiated resulting from this RFP. Each proposal received will be evaluated using the criteria outlined in Section 8.

2. About PCIP

The Pontiac Collective Impact Partnership (PCIP) was launched in 2021 by the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan (CFSEM), Pontiac Funders Collaborative (PFC) with the goal of building a civic infrastructure of cross-sector leaders to improve educational outcomes across a cradle-to-career spectrum in the City of Pontiac. Our cradle-to-career focus includes kindergarten readiness, third-grade reading, eighth-grade math, high school graduation, and post-secondary enrollment. StriveTogether’s Theory of Action framework guides our work, and our mission is to establish a common agenda that will lead to systems-level transformation in each educational outcome. Our shared leadership model consists of a full-time backbone staff (Executive Director, Director of Strategic Partnership, Data Hub Director, and Director of Network Facilitation) that manages our daily operations, an 11-member elected Executive Council, and a Community Advisory Counsel.

In the summer of 2022, guided by the collective impact framework and utilizing the Plan Do Study Act cycle championed by StriveTogether, our early childhood action team launched a pilot inspired by Brilliant Detroit’s Literacy Home model after visiting and touring a home in Detroit. Our collaborative effort brought together key partners, including Center for Success, Great Start Collaborative, E-Community Outreach, Prospect Missionary Baptist Church, and Brilliant Detroit.

The Literacy Home pilot was a testament to the transformative potential of a collective, community-driven approach. Through collaborative testing, implementation, and continuous refinement, we ensured that the program was tailored to the unique needs of our children and families. The success of the pilot and the community feedback gathered from district council meetings sparked interest in establishing a permanent Literacy Home. This community engagement culminated in the selection of the former home of Mattie McKinney Hatchett—a trailblazing community leader who served the Pontiac community for decades—as the permanent location.

The location is profoundly significant: the Literacy Home is adjacent to Mattie McKinney Hatchett Park, which is undergoing redevelopment. This symbolically links the future of Pontiac’s children to the legacy of one of its most respected figures. Brilliant Detroit raised over $200k to support the purchase and renovation of the home. Renovations are underway, with the opening scheduled for December 2024.

The Literacy Home is not just an early childhood education center, but a dynamic hub for community engagement. It’s a place where neighbors can gather for fellowship, activities, and learning. By incorporating evidence-based programs proven by our partner organizations, the Literacy Home takes a holistic approach to early childhood development, ensuring school readiness, strengthening family bonds, and fostering a deep sense of community and collective responsibility.

In 2024, we prioritized post-secondary education enrollment and launched a collaborative action team to develop strategies and implement the plan on the ground level. The action team launched a year-long city-wide campaign to increase the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) completion rate and higher education enrollment. As of August 2024, the FAFSA completion rate in Pontiac increased by 16%, and enrollment applications increased by 41% year to date at Oakland Community College for all Pontiac residents ages 20 and below. These results are a testament to the potential for significant impact and the power of collective action in our community.

To help galvanize more support, amplify the voice of the community, and operationalize our collective impact framework, in 2025, we will build on the success of our post-secondary enrollment action team and hold community forums to help establish a comprehensive common agenda aligned with our cradle-to-career educational outcomes. We also plan to build a robust internal and external communications plan and data system to share information more effectively, update the community on our progress, and hold our partners accountable.

Oakland University has been the fiscal sponsor since our inception, and we have concluded their first three-year term. In the spirit of fairness and transparency, we aim to launch a new RFP every three years to allow all eligible organizations to express their interest in supporting the Pontiac Collective Impact Partnership as a fiscal sponsor and providing back-office support.

3. Eligibility

  • PCIP will accept proposals from federal 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations, government entities, school districts and universities.
  • We require that respondent organizations have a certified financial audit or a financial review, conducted by a CPA or other external financial professional.
  • We will not accept proposals from individual consulting firms for fiduciary services, and will accept proposals from consulting firms for the backbone services outlined in this RFP.
  • We are prioritizing submissions from organizations headquartered in and serving residents of Southeast Michigan and will also consider submissions from statewide or national organizations.

4. Proposals for Fiscal Sponsorship

Respondents submitting proposals must demonstrate the capacity to serve as fiscal sponsor by demonstrating that their organization:

  • Has proof of Nonprofit incorporation and shows alignment with PCIP’s mission.
  • Fulfills and complies with all legal, tax and regulatory requirements as described by the applicable IRS Code for the organization’s specific charitable and or nonprofit designations.
  • Demonstrates fiscal integrity. Showing the capability to manage all funds, assets and other resources under its control with a high degree of responsibility, integrity, transparency and accountability.
  • Demonstrates administrative and operational integrity. The fiscal sponsor manages all administrative duties and responsibilities professionally and with a high degree of integrity and accountability.
  • Maintains commitment to its public interest mission that aligns with PCIP. In addition to programmatic work, the fiscal sponsor pursues its public interest mission through the projects it sponsors and commits to timely and effective communication with project leaders, donors, grant makers, and funding agencies in ways that supplement the project leader’s communications. As possible and appropriate, makes available training, counsel and technical assistance relevant to the pursuit of project success. Provides periodic assessment and evaluative feedback.
  • Has a Board of Directors which governs ethically, avoids conflicts of interest, and effectively carries out its legal, fiduciary and policy making responsibilities.
  • Has key personnel who are qualified to support PCIP as fiscal sponsor. At minimum, CEO, CFO, HR Designee or any named position that will provide direct support to the project.
  • Provide standard fiscal sponsorship fees or your organization’s approved indirect rate.

5. Fiscal Sponsorship Services Requested

  • Financial management, administration and accounting: Manages all assets for PCIP and provides full accounting and financial services, including assistance with budget preparation and cash flow management, monthly financial statements, financial reporting and analysis, and accounts payable. Will also provide necessary audits, tax preparation, donation receipts as required by IRS, payroll tax remittance, and ensure compliance with all federal, state, and local tax laws and regulations.
  • Provision of general liability, directors and officer’s liability, workers’ compensation and employee practices, and other insurance coverage that protect employees.
  • Grants and contracts administration: Provides services related to grant development, oversight, and reporting as it relates to serving as a fiscal sponsor to PCIP, including administrative, contractual, and programmatic reporting. The administration services will be delineated in an MOU between the new backbone and CFSEM and funds may be awarded in the form of a grant directly to the backbone organization. Grants and additional funding received outside the purview of CFSEM will require a separate MOU.
  • Human Resources and payroll: Serves as the employer of record for PCIP and provides relevant human resource policy oversight for code of conduct, conflict of interest, employee recruiting, selection, hiring, payroll, performance management and review systems, dispute resolution. The fiscal sponsor will also provide employee benefits, including but not limited to; paid leave, health, dental, vision, life, and retirement.
  • Administrative fees: The proposal will include the respondent’s proposed fee structure. Describe and list fees or costs for additional insurance or other services requested by the sponsored project.

Sponsor agreement: At time of selection fiscal sponsors will develop and sign, together with PCIP, a fiscal sponsorship agreement that includes policies related to disposition of assets and maintenance of physical and intellectual property. Policies related to project termination and separation.

6. Collective Impact Backbone Services Requested

Additionally, though not required, the selected fiscal sponsor may provide the following services:

  • Co-developing or Codifying a Common Agenda for Systems Change
    • Supporting the goal of all participants having a shared vision for change, common understanding of the problem and a joint approach to solving it through agreed upon actions
  • Governance Capacity Building and Roadmap Creation-
    • Codification of roles and relationships between the Pontiac Funders Collaborative, executive council and PCIP.
    • Developing bylaws and reconfiguring governance structures and mechanisms to best meet the mission of PCIP
    • Supporting PCIP to facilitate the transition of the executive council to a formalized Board structure
  • Creating a Sustainability Strategy
    • Supporting the development of a revenue plan to ensure the long-term presence of PCIP in Pontiac to achieve systems change
    • Building infrastructure for grant applications, management, and reporting.
  • Developing the Capacity for Shared Measurement
    • Developing mechanisms and processes to track work of action planning teams and 2. Creating real time data feedback loops with the goal collecting data and measuring results consistently across all participants to ensure efforts are aligned and participants hold one another accountable
  • Backbone Operations Support
    • Operations team capacity building
    • Providing technical assistance that helps mobilize, coordinate and facilitate collective impact towards the identified key outcome

7. Proposal Requirements

Proposals should include the following information:

  • Cover Letter:
    • Brief introduction of the firm/individual.
    • Contact information.
  • Executive Summary:
    • Overview of the proposal.
  • Qualifications:
    • Description of the firm’s/individual’s qualifications and experience.
    • Relevant case studies or examples of past fiduciary sponsorships.
  • Services Provided:
    • Detailed description of services to be provided.
    • Approach to managing fiduciary responsibilities.
  • Staffing:
    • Information on key personnel who will be involved in providing services.
    • Resumes of key personnel.
  • Fees:
    • Detailed pricing information.
    • Any additional costs or expenses.
  • References:
    • Contact information for at least three references from similar projects including the following: Organization Contact Person Telephone Number Email Address Grant or Contract Amount

8. Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Experience and Qualifications [35 pts]:
    • Relevant experience and expertise.
    • Track record of successful fiduciary sponsorships.
  • Approach and Methodology [30 pts]:
    • Understanding of the scope of work.
    • Approach to managing fiduciary responsibilities.
  • Cost [25 pts]:
    • Reasonableness and transparency of fees.
    • Overall value for services provided.
  • References [10 pts]:
    • Feedback from references.

9. Submission Details

Proposals must be submitted by Friday, September 27, 2024, by 5:00 PM to:

Dr. Samino Scott
Executive Director
Pontiac Collective Impact Partnership
(248) 935-4308

10. Timeline

  • RFP Issuance Date: Monday, August 26th, 2024
  • Proposal Submission Deadline: Friday, September 27th, 2024 by 5:00 PM
  • Evaluation and Selection: Monday, September 30th – Friday, October 11th , 2024

Contract Start Date: January 1st, 2025, depending on available funding

11. Questions

Questions regarding this RFP should be directed to Dr. Samino Scott at samino.scott@pontiaccollectiveimpact by Friday, September 20th, 2024.

12. Disclaimer

PCIP reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to request additional information from any and all respondents, and to negotiate any and all terms of the proposals.